
Judith’s poetry is earthy, fertile like pomegranates full of seeds waiting to burst into new life. Like the seasons, her poems hold the warmth, the dark, the hope and the blossoms hat make of our lives something beautiful and complete. 

—  Jan Phillips, author of  No Ordinary Time

In Late Day Light, Judith Prest turns her keen lens to the small wonders, wisdoms, and graces that compose a life. In these poems, the common live among the uncommon as shapeshifters, “faint echoes of the divine”: bread dough, arthritic bones, wheatfield and woodthrush, El Dia de los Muertos, the words of poets living and dead, tea. In attesting only to what’s right in front of her, Judith Prest is a trustworthy witness of the world.

— Marj Hahne, Poet and Teacher

Late Day Light invites a reader to step into a living, breathing world. These poems speak from the place where the body and life story, where senses and the felt experience of the human heart weave themselves together. These poems have, in short, muscle, nerve and a real-heartbeat. Judith’s gift is in giving shape to poems both clean and deep-rooted.

— John Fox, author of Poetic Medicine: The Healing Art of Poem-making

Late Day Light is available for $16.00 + $3.00 shipping & handling. Order your copy today!