2018 is slipping away…

2018 is slipping away.  It ends tomorrow night at midnight.  Two of my mother’s oft-uttered phrases repeat often and ring true always: “It all goes by so fast!” (spoken when she was 65, two years younger than I am today, at my father’s side as he crossed over to the...

Getting Here…

Meditations on the day trip to NYC for writing workshop… October 21, 2017 Full dark when I got on the train. The light came up slowly. Fist I could see the lightening sky reflected in the river, then light hit the hills on the other shore as the sun rose. ...


Sparked by a passage in Reclaiming the Wild Soul by Mary Reynolds Thompson (Reclaiming the Wild Soul, p.42.): Dominator Energy — It is destructive, pushy, indiscriminate. When I feel this Dominator Energy coming at me, I respond with fear, anger and/or resentment. Or I shut down. I have felt parts...