
It seems I am not a frequent blogger.  My hope is to become more prolific.Since February, I have been wrestling with a health issue – a routine mammogram revealed a weird something on the right side, further study led to an MRI of both breasts, and the result was I...

Post-Election/Pre-Apocalypse Musings….

On Halloween, the Monday, 8 days before the election, I drove from Still Point, where I’d spent the weekend partly in retreat and partly as a workshop leader, leading my “Thin Places” art and writing workshop for a wonderful group of women, to Skaneateles where I met an old friend...

2016 Clutter Manifesto

Well, it seems that in my usual last minute fashion, I am FINALLY getting around to getting this website updated – with lots of help from Nicole who IS, unlike me, computer literate.  For now, we have added my 2016 NATURE WALL CALENDAR, which is for sale for $14.00, including mailing...