Finally Spring!

Over the past couple weeks, I have watched Spring accelerate from 0 to 85. The most notable was that on Tuesday, May 6, I went on a second Catskill ramble with my buddy Barbara, it was kind of a chilly, cloudy day – maybe in the 50’s but colder because of wind & damp… the countryside was beautiful, but except for the grass being green (at last), not much was growing. Fiddleheads were JUST uncurling in Delaware County on May 6.

Fast forward one week , we have temps in the 70’s and Spring, which has been holding her breath, busts loose! Daffodils, magnolia, tulips, lilacs, trees leafing out – ALL AT ONCE.  And TODAY on a morning walk, I saw wild strawberry blooms, hawthorn, and caught a shot of a day time half moon between the last of the magnolia blossoms on the tree I planted almost 30 years ago (at my old house, next door).