Geography of Loss may be purchased from Finishing Line Press, at Amazon or  through Judith.

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Loss has been my greatest teacher. Writing poetry has helped me survive life’s inevitable losses. I hope that Geography of Loss  will help readers reflect on their own lives and appreciate the gifts and strengths that surface in their lives as they make their way through the rugged topography of loss.

~ Judith Prest

In the Geography of Loss, Judith Prest reminds us “Sometimes it takes /a dark day/ for me to find/ my own light”, as she maps those departures folks both must endure and overcome as best they can. Great aunts, both parents, a beloved dead grandmother whose spatula goes missing and creates an absence memory fills. Despite death’s “discordant notes,” we go on these poems say, it is what we do as human beings, until even “Beneath the now, outlines of ghost trees stand sentinel, bear witness.”

Sean Thomas Dougherty, author of The Second O of Sorrow

Judith’s poems are close to the bone, earthy, organic. As they acknowledge grief, loss, suffering, they elevate and transform it. From coal, comes the diamond. From loss comes the light.

Jan Phillips, Author, Speaker, Artist and Activist
Author of No Ordinary Time, Creativity Unzipped, The Art of Original Thinking, Divining the Body, Marry Your Muse,